Edison on Innovation. 102 Lessons in Creativity for Business and Beyond

Edison on Innovation. 102 Lessons in Creativity for Business and Beyond
Автор: Alan Axelrod
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9780470231395
Цена: 1576.87 Руб.
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In this fascinating exploration of one of the most celebrated and innovative minds, best-selling author Alan Axelrod cuts through the myths and reverence surrounding Edison’s “genius” to show how the inventor was, in fact, an ordinary man who created extraordinary work. While many of us believe that creativity, like genius, is something that just happens by chance or destiny, Edison’s life demonstrates that creativity of the very highest order can indeed be summoned up at will, and even reduced to a reliable working method and set of principles.

Книга для детей, которая нравится только детям, — плохая книга.

В аптеке: — У вас есть "АнтиРастолстин"? — Нет! — А "ЦеллюлитоИсчезан"? — Нет! — А "СамСобойВесПропадан"? — Девушка, вам нужен "МеньшеНадоЖратидин, БольшеЗадомШевелин и КхолодильникуНеподходин".