Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success. How You can Go From a $50,000 Fixer-Upper to a $100 Million Mansion

Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success. How You can Go From a $50,000 Fixer-Upper to a $100 Million Mansion
Автор: Victoria George St.
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9780471787181
Цена: 1390.43 Руб.
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Praise for Frank McKinney «My neighbor, Frank McKinney, is certainly a maverick and a spiritually grounded young man. The oceanfront homes he builds here in Florida are magnificent and unique. More important, Frank's life and the contributions he makes to his community and the world illustrate how a successful businessman can do well while doing good. The principles in Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success represent a road map of his achievements–a proven strategy for succeeding not just in real estate, but also in the business of life.» –Rich DeVos, cofounder of Amway, owner of the Orlando Magic «If you're ready to make big profits in real estate, then read, absorb, and use the brilliance of Frank McKinney.» –Mark Victor Hansen, coauthor of The One Minute Millionaire «Frank McKinney's book is an excellent how-to guide to earning real estate profits by using McKinney's maverick formulas to find undervalued real estate with profit potential. McKinney is different. This isn't another how-to-get-rich-in-real-estate book. Instead, it is the lively success story of a real estate maverick. McKinney reveals his simple strategies, with intriguing personal profit examples that explain how his repeatable techniques work over and over.» –Robert J. Bruss, syndicated real estate columnist «If Hollywood were casting the role of a maverick who started with very little and went from a $50,000 fixer-upper to a $100 million mansion, they would choose Frank McKinney. Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success represents his approach to life. He decided to apply that approach to real estate and look what happened!» –Kendra Todd, winner of The Apprentice

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Отдамся в хорошие женские руки. В еде неприхотлив, налево отгулял, к туалету приучен, зарплату домой. Есть паспорт и прививки. Отзываюсь на котю, птеню, солнце моё и др. Фразу: — Мама делает по—другому! — не употребляю. Не кастрирован.