Our Lives As Torah. Finding God in Our Own Stories

Our Lives As Torah. Finding God in Our Own Stories
Автор: Carol Ochs
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9780787958534
Цена: 2212.04 Руб.
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In this powerful book, Carol Ochs shows us how to develop a personal theology by examining our life stories, learning to recognize God at work in them, and bringing them into conversation with Torah. Using timeless biblical texts as lenses to see the present, she helps us understand who we are and who God is for us by exploring the tightly interwoven basic elements of our lives–our love, suffering, work, bodies, prayer, community, and experiences of death. Through the process of seeing our experiences in relation to Biblical stories, we begin to recognize our lives as part of the ongoing story of the Jewish people–as Torah. This insight allows us to see these experiences as meaningful, not accidental, and opens us to recognizing God's power in and through all that happens to us. Rather than a collection of random events, our lives are part of the Jewish people's ongoing adventure. Armed with our personally shaped theology, we can face this adventure of living in the vanguard of history with awareness and confidence.

Книга — это не кино и не фотография, ее нельзя воспринимать глазами. Нельзя писать, как видишь. Надо писать, как чувствуешь.

Два нарика раскуриваются на крыше десятиэтажного дома. Раскурились, сидят довольные. Один посмотрел вниз и гoворит: — Слышь, кореш, а есссли вниз, типа прыгнуть, то сколько лететь? — Hу, мож, эта, дней пять... — Слышь, кореш, а выжить после этого можно? — Да ты че, в натуре, этож сколько дней без еды и воды?