The Dragons' Den Guide to Investor-Ready Business Plans

The Dragons' Den Guide to Investor-Ready Business Plans
Автор: John Vyge
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9781118313824
Цена: 1892.88 Руб.
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A step-by-step approach to winning over investors with a solid business plan A comprehensive business plan, based on a concept that has been feasibility tested and for which a sales and marketing strategy is in place, is where the rubber meets the road for the entrepreneur and the investor. The Dragons' Den Guide to Investor-Ready Business Plans is designed to show the entrepreneur how to create a business plan that will get an investor's attention—and money. Case studies from Canadian and US businesses and stories of entrepreneurs who appeared on the Dragons' Den illustrate the key ideas and themes. Helps entrepreneurs face the reality of what they are trying to achieve Encourages readers to focus heavily on testing their business concept first, before they invest valuable time and resources in a slow-growth orЂD ЂD РжрМиD  D @ D supplement their income or replace a lost job. But don't let emotion trump method. The Dragon's Den Guide offers your step-by-step approach to preparing yourself for the harsh but rewarding world of small business ownership.

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